Aang tells Sokka and Katara about his childhood as they explore the temple, but they soon discover something that Aang never expected. There are four soft platforms spread equidistance the two center ones start higher and the two side ones start lower, and they periodically shift positions vertically. Lost: Western Air Temple Azula eventually catches up to the Gaang (with the new addition of Zuko) at the Western Air Temple, forcing them to flee after a battle. Aang is excited about going home (the Southern Airtemple) for the first time in one hundred years, but he is shocked to find out that the temple is deserted. Standard: The stage now has two extra surfaces, connected by soft platforms and both held with their own pillars.There are two soft platforms that start on the same level, which then slowly shift up or down in opposite directions about every 30 seconds. Katara and Sokka find a strange boy within an iceberg.

It is located in the West, but is on an under-side of a cliff instead of a mountain. However, they must evade a critical foe, Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation, who wants to capture Aang. The Western Air Temple is the most unique of all the air temples.
The temple itself can be seen in the background a series of upside-down spires built underneath the edge of a cliff. The fight takes place on a flat surface of temple stone, held by thin pillars and adorned with a wall of statues. The Air temple likely draws inspiration from the real life Hanging Monasteries, found in the Shanxi province in China, built over 1,400 years ago. This map is based off the temple of the same name from the Avatar series. Western Air Temple is one of the Maps available in Brawlhalla, added as part of the Avatar crossover.